With the latest release, a-tune adds another innovation to its animal research facility management software tick@lab – Study Planning.
Study planning is fully integrated into the tick@lab framework for management of compliance, animals and the animal research facility.
Protocols and licenses, start and end dates, scope, procedures, rooms, resources, tasks and animals all form the description of a study. The workflow and tracking features make sure that each study submission is carefully reviewed from a timing, resource, training and of course animal welfare perspective.
Graphical indication of studies and tasks help those planning to detect and reconcile dependencies and overlaps and use the facility resources most effectively.
Find out more about a-tune’s tick@lab animal facility software here or contact us to talk to us about what tick@lab, and the new study planning features can do for your institution.
tick@lab is the Software Platform for the Management of Laboratory Animal Research Institutions. It integrates all compliance and operational processes and provides access to relevant data and functionality to researchers, facility staff and management. In English, French, German and any other Language required.