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Templates Inside Out
Eliminate errors and save time by generating an accurate, up-to-date summary of a template using a-tune Template.Reporter. The template describes the overall business process and often contains embedded IDBS spreadsheets. Template.Reporter produces a Word document that describes the template and ensures a consistent, complete documentation set for the template.
Key Features
- Templates
- Identify template location (path within the hierarchy) and version, last date modified, and last person who modified the template.
- Choose among mandatory, optional, and custom properties.
- Use a confined setting or a setting for sequential editing.
- Link attributes.
- Type, captions, display options, and display pages are included in the template.
- Spreadsheets
- Create, change, and display documents via document browser commenting and controls.
- Other features include published tables, catalog mapping, formulas for published and unpublished items, linked data fields, data links, and E-WorkBook searches.
- Documentation Output
- Specify the structure of the navigation tree.
- Name published tables as well as all items and their catalog mapping.
- Use formulas for items mapped to the catalog and used in the spreadsheet.
- Other Options
- Reformat documents to incorporate customer logos and customize data layout.
- Automatically generated results eliminate the need for additional editing.
- Get help from a-tune with initial setup and training.
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