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Archiving under control
Manage and archive experiments in E-WorkBook using a-tune Archive.Manager. Archiving is unique for each enterprise. Archive.Manager offers archiving options to suit every need, including integrating with Project Lifecycle tools, aligning E-WorkBook status with project status, removing outdated information in E-WorkBook, managing access to older information and projects, and publishing data to document management systems and data warehouses.
Feature Overview
- Use the Archive function for E-WorkBook.
- Store PDFs and other data in an archive area or protected area within E-WorkBook or another document management system.
- Modify access rights and experiment availability based on project status (e.g., canceled, completed).
- Archive data from past experiments and investigations that are no longer active.
- Extract data automatically from E-WorkBook and send it in a standard XML format to the target system.
- Access all data in E-WorkBook, including text in PDFs, results data (through the IDBS Generic Transform), and security information.
- Export results to document management systems (e.g., Documentum, Microsoft SharePoint).
- Use Archive and Publisher products to connect E-WorkBook with business systems from other enterprises.
- Implement business rules for archiving, including restricting data access and controlling which type of data is available.
- Specify business rules for data sharing and data security during initial setup and make further modifications as needed.
- Publishing capability is available as a stand-alone function or as part of the solution.
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