We kicked off July this year with our UK User Group Gathering. With a record number of attendees this was a really energised and lively networking event.
Day one started with knowledge sharing, where Jayne Hill from a-tune gave an in depth over view of the newest tick@lab release with hands on time for all users. We then enjoyed a local brewery tour followed by a delicious evening meal at a local restaurant. Day two kicked off with some interesting presentations from a-tune, the tick@lab user community and our guests from Somark.
The two day event was kindly hosted by the University of Leeds and we were very happy to welcome over 20 tick@lab users from ten different establishments across the United Kingdom.
It was really wonderful to see faces old and new and to experience the energy from the networking and open questions which made day 2 really magical.
Alison Hopkins, a-tune European Sales Manager
We would like to kindly thank The University of Leeds for their wonderful facilities and for hosting the event, also the presenters that took time out of their busy schedules to prepare and present to the group and of course all users that attended, for their continued support.